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Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

Write to the Minister

The information you provide using this form is for the purpose of corresponding with the Minister of National Revenue.

Please do not send any confidential information through this form, such as your birth date or your personal tax information. The Minister and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) are not liable for damage incurred by sending such information.

CRA officials will send the information you give on this form to another government department if your request relates to that department. They do not use any of this information to create individual profiles and they do not disclose this information to anyone outside the Government of Canada.

All personal information you send is protected under the federal Privacy Act. If you send information to which the Income Tax Act or the Excise Tax Act apply, CRA officials will respect the privacy provisions of those laws. For more information about your right to protection of and access to your personal information, see Information about programs and information holdings.

Title (required)

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Screen ID: CJID_01
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